Hello GoGreeners,
How has your month been? And how are you handling this last stretch of Winter?
In the past few months I have been taking my cue from Nature and been really paying attention that nature doesn’t do anything in half measures. The trees are full of leaves, the beach full of sand, the sky full of stars, the sea full of water and so are our dams! after this incredible amount of rain we have been having. We really do live in an abundant world.
Sometimes my mind tries to tell me otherwise, then I am reminded to return to Nature, reminded that we are beings of nature. Perhaps it is my separation from nature which causes me to think otherwise. Cue coming back to nature: Eating natural food, standing in the elements, natural products on our skin, breathing fresh air, even just looking out of the window and seeing the beauty which surrounds us. Choosing to be aligned with nature and our natural selves.
Some warm musings on this wintery afternoon…
And also a reminder that all of our products are made with 100% plant based ingredients. They are 🌿 powered by plants 🌿 by nature, herself 🌳🌳🌳
What products do you need to stock up on?
GoGreen Naturally Order form <- click on the link
📝How ordering works:
📣 For your convenience we do deliveries each week.
🫙 We collect your empty, clean 1 liter AND 5 liter containers which we Re:Use
🚚 We deliver to your door (either home or work) on Tuesday or Thursday
💸 We email you your invoice, and you can EFT or settle in cash when we deliver
🐫 Courier service also now available for National Deliveries from as little as R100

We have our 1 liter bottles for you to decant your products into:
Trigger spray bottles for
Zesty Orange All Purpose Cleaner to spray stoves and ovens, wipe down surfaces,
Forest Fresh Bathroom Cleaner to spray in the showers, bath or a toilet spritz between flushes
Pong Go Biodigester to spray in bins to keep the flies and smell away, or spray on pet stains/bed wetting/litter trays, into toilets
O2 Bleach to disinfect counter surfaces, bathrooms
Squeezy bottles for
Squeaky Clean Dishwashing Liquid
Smarty Pants Liquid LaundryDr Fluff’s Fabric Softener
These bottles make our products
🌿 easier to use and
🌿 decantering that bit easier.
🌿 And let’s be honest, a badge of honour knowing your home/office/school/airbnb is being cleaned with GoGreen Naturally 🌿

How to get involved: Collaboration is how nature thrives
🌳 Stock up on your favourite cleaning products
🌳 Ask family and friends if they want to come in on your order🌳 Order cleaning products for your AirBnBs, guesthouses, holiday homes 🌳 Get your kids’s schools using non toxic, non allergenic cleaning products🌳 Order for your office and building
🌳 Share this newsletter, our price lists are attached
We love getting your feedback, it is the wind in our sails! Please let us know: what are your favourite GoGreen Naturally products and why?
This is from Carene, who owns a high end Property Management Company
Your Zesty Orange All Purpose Cleaner takes out sunscreen and makeup stains from our linen in our properties. We were throwing away so much linen each year because of stains we couldn’t get out. Using this product has saved us money and time.
Thank you GoGreener’s for the difference you make each day: It takes a raindrop to start a waterfall.
See you soon with your order 🌿
Thank you for choosing to Go Green, Natural